
20 Weird Things About Donald Trump

Donald Trump walking with his tongue hanging out of his mouth to one side
Lev Radin /

Here’s a list of 20 weird things that Donald Trump has exhibited during his public life:

  1. Hand Gestures: Trump often uses unique hand gestures, particularly the “OK” sign, when speaking.
  2. Gold Decor Obsession: He has a well-known penchant for gold and gold-plated objects, from his home decor to personal items.
  3. Fast Food Enthusiasm: Trump is known for his love of fast food, particularly McDonald’s and KFC, even hosting fast food feasts at the White House.
  4. Unusual Handshake Style: Trump has a distinctive handshake style where he pulls the other person toward him abruptly.
  5. Tweets in All Caps: Trump often tweets in all caps to emphasize certain points, which gives a shouting tone to his messages.
  6. Nicknaming Opponents: He frequently gives his political opponents and others derogatory nicknames, like “Crooked Hillary” or “Sleepy Joe.”
  7. Dislike for Exercise: Trump has expressed a belief that exercise is bad because it depletes the body’s energy reserves.
  8. Constantly Mentioning His Wealth: Trump often talks about how rich he is, sometimes in unrelated contexts.
  9. Unorthodox Press Conferences: His press conferences often veer off-topic, turning into monologues or extended attacks on the media.
  10. Unusual Eating Habits: Trump is known for his preference for eating steak well-done with ketchup.
  11. Frequent Use of the Word “Huge”: He uses the word “huge” (or “yuge” in his accent) to describe many things, regardless of their actual size or significance.
  12. Skepticism Toward Experts: Trump has shown a pattern of skepticism or outright dismissal of expert opinions, particularly in science and medicine.
  13. Conspiracy Theories: He has a history of promoting or entertaining various conspiracy theories, such as the birther movement regarding President Obama.
  14. Not Drinking Alcohol: Trump is a teetotaler and has never consumed alcohol, which is somewhat unusual for a high-profile businessman.
  15. The Red Tie: Trump almost always wears a red tie that is notably longer than usual.
  16. Hair Fixation: His hairstyle, often described as unusual, has been a long-standing point of discussion and speculation.
  17. Frequent Use of Superlatives: Trump regularly uses superlatives like “the best,” “the greatest,” or “the most amazing” to describe anything related to himself.
  18. Fear of Germs: Trump has expressed a strong aversion to germs, which has influenced his behavior, such as avoiding handshakes or wiping his hands frequently.
  19. Publicly Grading Women: He has a history of publicly commenting on and rating women’s appearances, even in professional settings.
  20. References to Himself in the Third Person: Trump occasionally refers to himself in the third person during speeches or interviews.

These weird behaviors contribute to Trump’s distinctive and controversial public persona.

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